
¡Cubanismo! at The Exit/In, Caetano Veloso, Café Tacuba & Music of The Americas

Perhaps it is best that in 2012 the entire hemisphere is called THE AMERICAS, mostly to make things less messy when it comes to division via land mass.* * * * * * * *To the simple point of this post - three (3) great songs from The Americas (the Americas situated south of continental U.S.) that feature * copyrightable introductions. *B R A Z I L, C U B A, M E X I C O

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Talk Amongst Yourselves, Turn Me On, Beatles One Louder, the Buttocks Bowl

How can you get one's attention? Play a Beatles recording. Play something loud and very noticeable. Maybe the intro to a Beatles song. If one wants to hear a loud, striking, very original opening of a Beatles song, one that will really hit the ear, there is one song that WILL not do it. It would be the WORST BEATLES SONG, worst only in terms of making a listener notice. What is the Beatles song LEAST likely to get one's attention?

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