Happy 12 12 12, Twelve Twelve Twelve, Zwölf Zwölf Zwölf, Dodici Dodici Dodici, Doce Doce Doce, Douze Douze Douze
Wayne Shorter, Bo Diddley, George StraitWhat day is it? December 12, 2012? December 12, 2012 can be abbreviated as 12-12-12 or 12/12/12 or 12.12.12 or spoken Twelve Twelve Twelve, Doce Doce Doce, Douze Douze Douze, Dodici Dodici Dodici, Zwölf Zwölf Zwölf or hundreds of other ways. If you've been near social media, you also know that this will be the last repetitive date ever. (That's true only if a 13th month is never added to our calendar. There could be a 13th month because like copyright terms, Viagra and Cialis, there's always someone who wants to lengthen something.)