Twitter In The Classes I Am Creating
I am creating a master list of Twitter accounts to follow for students in the classes I am creating. These Twitter accounts are from the eleven (11) categories of Twitter users I follow and from one, two or three of the following fields: Music/Entertainment, Technology, and Intellectual Property. To my way of thinking, selecting and categorizing, MusEnt subsumes "art" & "arts," Tech subsumes "business" & "communication" and IP subsumes intellectual property & law that interests me. I am trying to keep this master Twitter list at or near one hundred (100) members.
State of the Music Industry - My Tweets from 2013 NMS
On Monday, June 10, 2013, I attended the first full day of the 2013 New Music Seminar. I brought my iPhone 5 and my iPad. I had not planned on tweeting the event or even one panel but things changed and I started to tweet...I have a strong bias toward the non-music companies and how they use and promote music as well as how they better engage with their customers via music, video and mobile. Music conferences need to have a strong non-music component. In fact, the non-music companies shouldn't really be called "non-music," should they?
The Russian Monster Fill, Bath Bombs, Tervis, Twitter + the letter "B"
Last night I learned about bath bombs and Tervis shakers. The bath bombs excited my excessively girly girly friend, while the Tervis shaker we found at Bed, Bath & Beyond in mall-infested Williamson County, was a Patriots shaker. I'll now be able to make my Irish versions of caipirinhas here in Middle Tennessee using my new New England Patriots Tervis shaker.Back to these are a few of my favorite Twitter things. When the dog bites, when the bee stings. I'm still stuck on that Mary Poppins' song. This time - the letter "B."
Humans Acting Out In Business, My Favorite Twitter Accounts - the letter "A"
Those Resources are a list of websites that relate in some way to the music and entertainment industry - they are connected to the music and entertainment industry in my mind. It is my belief that every musician and person in the world of music and entertainment must know more than music. Law, technology, business, film, video, television, advertising and communication, especially 21st century style communication by means of social media, are some of what should go into/be shot into/forced down the throat of/taught to a musician or person living in these post-Mayan times. We need to confront and try to master what is represented by those social media proper nouns - those companies and services - and verbs formed by speaking nouns as if they were verbs.
Johnny Cash, Danzig, Life in Vizify, Today is not 12/12/12, Social Media Reveals I'm 65/132 Brazilian
I got my Vizify account, 2012 version, on Tuesday. They were wise to get it out before 12-12-12. If we have social media, we must have social media metrics. And bells and whistles. Vizify does all of that well, and fortunately, our lives can be reduced to a few pages.Before I broadcast my life in Vizify, I should note that Facebook has now taken to their version of metrics a la the encapsulated annum-in-review model. If all goes right with this link, and if Facebook will allow you access, here is the Facebook version of my 2012 life in Vizify.