Adding Resources to - My Digital Hoarding On Display
I have created the first version of a bibliography/collection of my favorite and/or essential resources entitled, "Music, Entertainment, Technology & Legal Resources." My definitions/stretches of meanings and category-creating allow me to squeeze "Business" and "Communication," significant and stand-alone-worthy fields, into "Technology." I hope that this listing of thousands of resources will be helpful to others as well.
Twitter In The Classes I Am Creating
I am creating a master list of Twitter accounts to follow for students in the classes I am creating. These Twitter accounts are from the eleven (11) categories of Twitter users I follow and from one, two or three of the following fields: Music/Entertainment, Technology, and Intellectual Property. To my way of thinking, selecting and categorizing, MusEnt subsumes "art" & "arts," Tech subsumes "business" & "communication" and IP subsumes intellectual property & law that interests me. I am trying to keep this master Twitter list at or near one hundred (100) members.
Cloud Branding Using Pinterest, Part 1
This post begins the story of my first encounter with Pinterest - how I went from being appalled and horrified at seeing an onslaught of photographs of shoes, weddings and handbags, to a neutral acceptance of Pinterest, to creating a board or two and then becoming a passionate Pinterest pinner, all in the span of an hour or so. I consider Pinterest to be one of the finest cloud services, repositories of knowledge and brander of brands.
Is There More Copyright Infringement In Pinterest Or Led Zeppelin II? My DMCA Takedown
I received two (2) identical emails this week from Pinterest. They were very professional, respectful and kindly. Because the emails were in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, one shouldn't expect adjectives such as professional, respectful and kindly but they were. I guess that's just how Pinterest is - the kinder, gentler hub for copyright infringement. The softer side of federal law enforcement.
Managing Music Artists - My Tweets from 2013 NMS
I have found the study of technology, social media, mobile devices, and communication, as well as the business and legal issues surrounding these nouns, much more helpful in understanding the present state of the music and entertainment industry. I've always believed that outsiders bring more objectivity, creativity and original thinking and actions to a field. Famously, it took an outsider, Steve Jobs, to show how a digital music market should work.
State of the Music Industry (and then there are data plans)
The New Music Seminar is a conference that attempts to show what's going on in the present-day music industry - not what certain parties WISH was going on, or LONG FOR what HAD BEEN going on, or pontificate about what SHOULD BE going on. NMS, like a few other conferences, aspires to SAY or REFLECT what's going on and where things are likely, or could be, headed.30. Technology threatens business as usual until it becomes business as usual.31. Music and the arts have always intersected with law, business, technology and communication. It has always been this way. It will always be this way. (forever and ever)32. The Internet is your friend. Walk away from those who fear the Internet and technology. Fear them (no, pity, educate and then ignore them) and not the Internet.
The Russian Monster Fill, Bath Bombs, Tervis, Twitter + the letter "B"
Last night I learned about bath bombs and Tervis shakers. The bath bombs excited my excessively girly girly friend, while the Tervis shaker we found at Bed, Bath & Beyond in mall-infested Williamson County, was a Patriots shaker. I'll now be able to make my Irish versions of caipirinhas here in Middle Tennessee using my new New England Patriots Tervis shaker.Back to these are a few of my favorite Twitter things. When the dog bites, when the bee stings. I'm still stuck on that Mary Poppins' song. This time - the letter "B."
Humans Acting Out In Business, My Favorite Twitter Accounts - the letter "A"
Those Resources are a list of websites that relate in some way to the music and entertainment industry - they are connected to the music and entertainment industry in my mind. It is my belief that every musician and person in the world of music and entertainment must know more than music. Law, technology, business, film, video, television, advertising and communication, especially 21st century style communication by means of social media, are some of what should go into/be shot into/forced down the throat of/taught to a musician or person living in these post-Mayan times. We need to confront and try to master what is represented by those social media proper nouns - those companies and services - and verbs formed by speaking nouns as if they were verbs.