
Does Five For Fighting's "Superman" Infringe Angie Aparo's "Seed? (Part 2 of 3)

Defendant’s expert states that the melody in common is not copyrighted because it can be found in many songs written before the Plaintiff’s song.Plaintiffs demand Defendants’ expert witness prove that the melody in question is not copyrighted.Defendant’s expert witness shows that the melody is found in the music of: Bach, Borodin, Brahms, Dvorak, Foster, Guonod, Haydn. Lear, Mendelssohn and Mozart.Plaintiff demands specificity.Defendant specifies....

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Does Five For Fighting’s “Superman (It’s Not Easy)” Infringe Angie Aparo’s “Seed?”

We teach our children to STEAL other peoples' thoughts without asking permission. (I'm referring to what some teachers and professors do - make their students write "papers" that consist of their own thoughts mixed with the (better, older and more respected) thoughts of others. We FORCE THEM TO STEAL. All we ask is that our students have to correctly indicate (cite) their exact source(s). We would not allow them to even ask for permission.

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